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Coronavirus legal support hub

Planning advice during Covid

The challenges of the Coronavirus pandemic continue to change on a daily basis. Our planning advice aims to provide you with all the latest news and information on your legal rights and issues to support you through this challenging situation.



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If Councils are not holding public meetings how will my planning application be determined?

In April the Government introduced Regulations that allowed planning committees to meet remotely. The Regulations are in force until 7 May 2021. This means that as an applicant, agent, supporter or objector of an application you may be able to make representations about applications as you would have done if you had been attending in person. The meetings are usually held on Zoom with live streaming on Youtube. Planning applications will also continue to be determined under delegated powers by officers (usually the Head of the Planning department) in accordance with the Council’s constitution.


Is my planning appeal going to be determined?

Planning appeals continue to be determined throughout the pandemic and the Planning Inspectorate are now carrying out site visits where it is possible to ensure social distancing.

Planning appeals that are being determined at hearings or public inquiries are taking place remotely and this has been working effectively. 

The Business and Planning Act 2020 now allows planning inspectors to combine the three appeal procedures (written representations, hearing and public inquiry) where it is appropriate.  If an appeal is initially going to be determined at a hearing the inspector can direct that certain elements of the appeal should proceed by written representations.  If the appeal is initially allocated  for a public inquiry aspects of it could proceed at a hearing or using written representations. 



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At Tozers our specialist solicitors have the experience and expertise you need. With legal experts working in specialist fields across commercial, personal and specialist sectors. Call us now on 01392 207 020 or contact us online

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