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Cost of Erb’s Palsy

Posted on 17th October 2022 in Medical Negligence

Posted by

Clair Hemming

Partner and Solicitor
Cost of Erb’s Palsy

Erb’s Palsy is a permanent disability which results from an injury to the brachial plexus commonly caused during birth.    Please watch our video “What is Erb’s Palsy” here which explains how the injury arises. 

It seems such an obvious thing to say but having a disability comes at a cost.   Some (although not all) of the physical costs may be obvious, but there are other nonphysical costs which are less obvious and even some which are hidden.

The consequences of Erb’s Palsy are wide ranging, and the “cost” is born in the main by the individual but also by the family and even by society.    The cost is:

  • Physical
    • Paralysis or loss of useful function in the arm, associated pain and discomfort, need for help and support by family members
  • Psychological
    • Parental - PTSD, guilt, depression
    • Child - distress, loss of confidence/low self-esteem, anxiety, depression
  • Financial
    • Reduced earnings capacity, expenses, cost of medical treatment, equipment and support.    The cost of litigation.

In support of the Erb’s Palsy Group and to raise awareness of Erb’s Palsy, this week we will be releasing a series of articles and case studies which highlight the “Cost of Erb’s Palsy” and explore these areas in more detail.

We’ve worked closely with the Erb’s Palsy Group for over 25 years, supporting them to increase awareness and promote better understanding of this condition. The group strives to reduce incidence rates through education and training of the medical profession but also to promote better treatment, by early referral to specialist centres.


How can I get help?

Please visit our website here for more information on Erb's Palsy.

Click here to see a video on 'Erb's Palsy: Better Care Costs Less' by PROMPT Maternity Foundation.

For support with the condition please contact the Erb’s Palsy Group at here.

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