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Do holiday parks need a TV licence to show films and TV?

Posted on 11th January 2017 in Parks

Posted by

Paul Kelly

Partner and Solicitor
Do holiday parks need a TV licence to show films and TV?

Do holiday parks need a TV licence?

All park owners who offer accommodation with installed televisions or other devices which enable a person to watch and record television programmes as they are being shown must have a TV Licence.

This will include the letting of holiday caravans, chalets and lodges and is applicable to the letting of accommodation to both staff and guests.


What type of TV licence do holiday parks need?

The TV Licence required is known as a ‘hotel and mobile units TV licence’. The cost of such a licence will depend on the number of accommodation units the park have. Any failure on a park owner to obtain a TV Licence where it is required is an offence.


Do holiday parks need a licence to show films and TV?

If you show films, TV shows or sports on your holiday and residential park for the enjoyment of customers, you will require a licence to do so.


What type of licence do you need to show films and TV in your holiday park?

The type of licence required and the cost will depend on whether it is provided for ‘ambience’ or as a screening, whether viewers are charged and whether it is planned event. It is important to note that regardless of whether you charge for admission, you will require a licence for showing films, or television although the type of licence may differ.

  • Single title licence - If the film is shown as part of an organised screening, then you will require a single title licence.
  • Annual licence - If the screenings of the films are for ambience, or are adhoc and unplanned, you may be able to obtain an annual licence. In order to qualify for this licence, the audience must not be charged for admission, the screening must not be advertised outside of the licensed premises, and no commercial activity can take place during or immediately before/after the screening.
  • Television licence - In order to show sports events on television screens you will require a television licence. Live television coverage of the sports events may be covered by a regular television licence. If they are not live on TV at the time you are showing them, for example they are old events or you have pre-recorded them, then you will need one of the other two licences described above.


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