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Can a charity use restricted funds for additional funding?

Posted on 27th March 2020 in Charities and Social Enterprise, Coronavirus Pandemic

Many charities are in desperate need of alternative sources of funding to maintain vital services to beneficiaries whilst the coronavirus crisis continues.

Posted by

James Evans

Partner and Solicitor


Guide to charity collaborations and mergers

Posted on 24th February 2020 in Charities and Social Enterprise

Collaboration in the charity sector is nothing new. Many charities already collaborate successfully with a range of other organisations at many different levels, for example, in the delivery of contracted services, where commissioners often demand it.

Posted by

James Evans

Partner and Solicitor


How trustees can make a Serious Incident Report

Posted on 20th January 2020 in Charities and Social Enterprise

The Charity Commission has released new guidance on the responsibility of charity trustees in making Serious Incident Reports (‘SIRs’) to the Charity Commission. Specifically where the incident involves one of the charity’s partners either in the UK or internationally.

Posted by

James Evans

Partner and Solicitor


Top 10 tips for charity trustees

Posted on 25th October 2019 in Charities and Social Enterprise

In our final instalment of guidance in Charity Fraud Awareness week we offer some practical advice on keeping your charity safe.

Posted by

Amy Laver

Partner and Solicitor


Guide to protecting your charity from cybercrime

Posted on 23rd October 2019 in Charities and Social Enterprise

The second of our articles this Charity Fraud Awareness Week focusses on the challenges for charities protecting themselves against cybercrime.

Posted by

Amy Laver

Partner and Solicitor


How can trustees help protect against charity fraud?

Posted on 21st October 2019 in Charities and Social Enterprise

Today marks the start of the Fraud Advisory Panel’s Charity Fraud Awareness Week and in the first of our series of articles focusing on fraud in the charity sector we ask…

Posted by

Amy Laver

Partner and Solicitor


Guide to Corporate Charitable Foundations

Posted on 09th January 2019 in Charities and Social Enterprise

Many commercial businesses are taking corporate social responsibility (CSR) more seriously and in a more strategic way, recognising increased public expectations on the private sector to demonstrate a strong commitment to the communities they operate in.

Posted by

James Evans

Partner and Solicitor


Could a trustees links damage a charity?

Posted on 16th February 2017 in Charities and Social Enterprise

In January 2015, the Chester Chronicle newspaper celebrated a £24,000 grant by the Earl of Chester Fund to a local company towards its set-up and development costs. Unfortunately, the celebration was short-lived.

Posted by

James Evans

Partner and Solicitor