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Catalogue of errors led to six year old girl dying of sepsis

Posted on 30th November 2021 in Medical Negligence

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor
Catalogue of errors led to six year old girl dying of sepsis

In July 2017 six year old Coco Bradford died in a Bristol hospital after receiving treatment at the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro. An independent report has previously criticised the hospital and those involved as they missed opportunities save the young girl’s life.

It was alleged by the family that the staff at the hospital tried to cover up their own failings by blaming her autism through suggesting that she was difficult to treat.

Coco was rushed to the hospital with vomiting and diarrhoea, both apparently containing blood, but she was sent home from the Emergency Department as she was told her symptoms were likely the cause of Gastroenteritis. The inquest heard that upon admission, doctors felt her condition was not serious, this was despite her family pleading for more to be done.

In the following days her condition got worse so she was transferred from Cornwall to Bristol where she died of multiple organ failure caused by sepsis.

Mrs Bradford told the coroner she has fought for years to expose the truth and fallings around her daughters death. She said the failures, delays and lack of treatments was 'staggering in this day of modern medicine.'

The inquest, at Truro Coroner Court, continues.


Tozers' clinical negligence and inquest specialist Stuart Bramley observes -

"Although we don't yet know the full story since the inquest is continuing, if it is correct that Coco's condition was partly blamed for the chain of events leading to her death, the hospital here really need to give serious consideration to what they should do with the staff responsible.  Contrary to what Mrs Bradford asserts, the A&E doctor claims that Coco's medical records do not refer to blood being found in her vomit and faeces. This should be a simple matter to confirm or rebut and I know the senior coroner for Cornwall will be looking carefully into all the evidence.

But taking a step back from the detail, no child should be sent home from hospital with these symptoms. As I see in my own day to day practice, sepsis remains a silent killer even where the condition should be suspected or may even be obvious. No parent should need to go through this nightmare and if it is found that there was a cover-up afterwards, as the family believe there was, I look forward to reading that the necessary action has been taken by the Trust. The patients of Cornwall deserve no less".


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