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Hospital’s desire for ‘natural births’ causes loss of 300 babies

Posted on 28th March 2022 in Medical Negligence

Posted by

Endurance Arthur

Partner and Solicitor
Hospital’s desire for ‘natural births’ causes loss of 300 babies

Details of a five-year investigation have been released ahead of a report into the heart wrenching stories of 1,862 former patients affected by decisions made at Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust between 2000 and 2019.

From what is known so far:

At least 12 mothers died whilst giving birth and some families lost more than one child in separate incidents.

Mothers were denied Caesarean sections following an unhealthy obsession with ‘normal’ deliveries for nearly two decades, where expectant mothers were routinely overmedicated to induce labour. Many endured traumatic labours with doctors using excessive force at delivery.

Many newborn babies were left with fractured skulls and broken bones. Others were starved of oxygen and left with life-changing disabilities. Hundreds were stillborn, died shortly after birth or were left permanently brain-damaged.

Partner and Solicitor Endurance Arthur, co-head of our specialist Medical Negligence team commented;

There are many harrowing stories connected with the failures of care at Shrewsbury and Telford. I have profound sympathy for mothers like Debbie Greenaway who lost one of her “longed-for boys”, conceived via IVF because of a negligent delay in undertaking an urgent Caesarean section. Debbie and her husband were then misled when they tried to get some answers as to what had happened, and a cover up was attempted. I am looking forward to the report but most of all I hope that it will be a catalyst for lessons to be learned to avoid a repeat of these tragedies.

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