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Lasting Powers of Attorney drop by 30% last year

Posted on 23rd April 2021 in Later Life Planning

Posted by

Cory Stephenson

Lasting Powers of Attorney drop by 30% last year

A recent article on Today’s Wills & Probate shows that a freedom of information request by Quilter revealed “a 30 percent drop in the number of LPAs registered between April 2020 and February 2021, compared to the same period the previous year”.

With the events of the last year in mind, this may be rather unsurprising to some! Looking at last years events and the data provided, there are two main causes to the significant drop

  1. The capacity of the Office for the Public Guardian and their colleagues adapting to the ways of working from home;
  2. The restrictions imposed by the Government over the last year. Lockdown has meant that ordinary occurrences such as face to face interactions with a Solicitor have not been possible. It is quite likely that this has deterred many from creating a LPA or making any other future financial planning arrangements.


Whilst we all hope that lockdown and the pandemic is mostly behind us, future planning should always be a priority as we are all facing the unknown. Whilst face to face interviews may be tricky, we remain committed to assisting you with LPAs and other future planning matters and have a number of ways in which we can assist you.

For any help or advice on Lasting Powers of Attorney, or for further support with later life planning including Inheritance Tax please contact our dedicated team.

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