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What are my rights if my idea or product has been stolen?

Posted on 28th February 2018 in Intellectual Property

The definition of intellectual property is ‘any type of intangible property that is a result of creativity’.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


How to oppose a trade mark application

Posted on 08th January 2018 in Intellectual Property

The Intellectual Property Office will usually send the owner of a registered trade mark a letter giving notice that an application has been received for the registration of a similar trade mark.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


Do I need to ask my contacts to opt-in again once GDPR comes into force?

Posted on 13th October 2017 in Intellectual Property

We are often asked if businesses need to ask their existing contacts to opt-in to receive marketing communications again once the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into force in May 2018.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


Can my registered company name prevent a competitor from using it?

Posted on 16th August 2017 in Intellectual Property

Often we are approached by frustrated businesses who have discovered someone else has been using their name but have no registered trade mark.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


3 reasons why you shouldn't overlook unregistered design rights

Posted on 31st July 2017 in Intellectual Property

Unregistered design rights, referred to as just ‘design rights’, are a valuable asset which tends to be forgotten. These are just 3 reasons why they should not be overlooked:

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


Why your website terms and conditions matter

Posted on 08th June 2017 in Intellectual Property

Your website is your shop front but many don’t do enough to show customers they are just a trustworthy as bricks and mortar.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


Can you trade mark a hashtag?

Posted on 06th August 2015 in Intellectual Property

The great benefit of social media as a marketing tool is its immediate and powerful market reach. The use of hashtags (words and phrases preceded by the ‘#’ symbol to identify and search for trending topics) has become a popular method of consumer engagement.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor


Why should your website have a privacy policy?

Posted on 09th June 2015 in Intellectual Property

Website privacy policies are often ignored or copied from a competitor.  This approach fails to recognise the value that a privacy policy can have to a business as well as the huge risk of failing to comply with data protection legislation.

Posted by

Jill Headford

Partner and Solicitor