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Senior Associate & Solicitor

Louise Barber

“Due to working on many sensitive cases I am aware that people often feel under stress and I aim to limit this as much as possible. I am very committed to clearly explaining all processes, listening to my clients attentively and representing their case accordingly”

Louise works with all stakeholders within the family law system, representing parents and children in care proceedings. The majority of her work involves representing children following instruction by their Court appointed Guardians. She works within one of the South West’s largest legal Care teams.

A highly active advocate, Louise handles cases from start to finish and is in court on a very frequent basis. She has strong working relationships with professionals and courts in the South West.

Qualifying in 1995, Louise has developed expertise in all matters relating to children. As well as her relationships supporting care proceedings, she is also experienced in managing complex child arrangements disputes and out of hours’ emergency applications.

Louise has also been recognised in the 2023 Legal 500 directory as a key lawyer in the Teir 3 ranked Family team and "a very experienced solicitor. She is very thorough."



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Your Thoughts


“Louise is a hugely competent advocate, who works successfully alongside Guardian’s maintaining a child focussed approach. Louise demonstrates a variety of skills both engaging children in meaningful and difficult conversations ensuring she advocates for their rights without hesitation. Louise provides structured and realistic legal advice both to children via their Guardian’s or directly where appropriate. Louise works tirelessly to ensure the best possible outcomes for her clients and remains well respected by professional clients alike.”


Law Society Children