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Affordable Housing

Planning for Registered Providers

We can help registered providers with planning and licensing.


Planning control

Planning control regulates the development and use of land. A key role is to enable the provision of homes, investment and jobs, vibrant town centres and recreational/tourist facilities, whilst at the same time protecting the natural environment.

There are two broad types of “development” that are subject to planning control. The first is “operational development” which means building or engineering operations. The second is the material change of use of land or buildings.

The planning system is policy led and Local Planning Authorities are required to make decisions in accordance with their adopted policies and any other material considerations that might be applicable.  Failure to do so can result in a successful challenge to any decision.


Planning applications

Some forms of development benefit from blanket planning permission and do not need specific applications for planning permission to be made, but in other cases a formal application will need to be made to the local planning authority.  Where an application is initially unsuccessful we can take it to appeal where we have an excellent track record.


We Advise On:

  • when planning permission is required
  • planning applications from preparation to liaising with local planning authorities
  • appeals
  • challenging planning decisions in the courts
  • development proposals
  • the planning aspects of listed buildings, ancient monuments and conservation areas
  • preparation of planning obligations
  • enforcement action

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