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Separated Parents’ Information Programme for World Children’s Day 2022

Posted on 16th November 2022 in Family Law

Posted by

Rachael Jones

Separated Parents’ Information Programme for World Children’s Day 2022

On 20th November 2022, World Children’s Day is taking place. This year, UNICEF is calling for the equality and inclusion for every child.

We are all aware of the important role children will play in the future and, at Tozers, we believe that we should try our best to allow all children to have a good starting point and the best opportunities. We understand that separated parents sometimes struggle to communicate and organise arrangements for their children. However, it is important that parents do everything they can to make the separation as least disruptive as possible for their children to enable them to have the best start in life and stability as they grow older.


Separated Parents’ Information Programme

The Separated Parents’ Information Programme (SPIP) has been developed to help parents understand how to put their children first when facing the challenges of post-separation parenting. Attendance is often Court ordered within Children Proceedings.

The SPIP course is a safe place designed to provide you with an opportunity to develop your knowledge and understanding of the separation process and how to reduce the impact of the process on your children. It covers three key modules: your children, your communication and your emotions. Through your learning, you will learn more about your own separation journey and reflect on your communications and think about how to act in the best interest of your children.

The course is usually delivered to mixed groups of parents in one four-hour session (or in two, two-hour sessions). SPIP is currently being delivered remotely only.


Separated couples do not attend the same session

When making an application to the Court, it may be that the Court orders the parents to attend a SPIP. Alternatively, it may be that if you are already involved with CAFCASS your Cafcass officer may refer you.  At Tozers we are always happy to discuss whether SPIP is right for your situation at any point in the process and encourage engagement with SPIP as early as possible where Court ordered. It will not be appropriate where there are any current safeguarding concerns about the children or their parents. 


Find out more

If you would like to discuss the SPIP further or if you would like advice in relation to making arrangements for your children post-separation, please do not hesitate to contact our Family Team.

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