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Avoiding the Pitfalls of the Community Infrastructure Levy Regime

Posted on 12th October 2023 in Planning and Licensing

There is a strict process that must be followed to comply with the Community Infrastructure Levy (“CIL”) regime and if this process is not followed to the letter, then you could end up paying the price in surcharges and/or the loss of a previously applicable exemption or relief.

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


What Amendments Can I Make to My Planning Permission Under Section 73?

Posted on 18th September 2023 in Planning and Licensing

Section 73 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (the “1990 Act”) can be an extremely useful tool to developers, enabling them to seek variations to a planning permission without the need to submit a new full planning application. However, the scope of variations permitted under Section 73 is limited and has been widely discussed by the courts since it came into force.

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


Abandonment of Existing Use of Property

Posted on 07th September 2023 in Planning and Licensing

In an appeal determined in August 2023 the Planning Inspector considered whether the use of a former Oast house had been abandoned. The appeal against the refusal to grant planning permission for the repair and reinstatement of the four kiln former Oast house was dismissed.

Posted by

Rachael Jones



What is Biodiversity Net Gain and how to achieve it?

Posted on 31st July 2023 in Rural Property & Countryside Matters, Planning and Licensing

Biodiversity Net Gain (“BNG”) in the context of planning and development is the principle that development of land should leave the natural environment of those sites in a measurably better state than they were prior to the development taking place.

Posted by

Amy Cater

Partner and Solicitor


Nutrient Neutrality Rules and the Implications for Planning Decisions

Posted on 13th July 2023 in Planning and Licensing

On 30th June the High Court handed down its judgment dismissing the claim brought by developer, CG Fry Limited, challenging a planning inspector’s refusal to discharge conditions because an appropriate assessment under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2017 (“The Habitats Regulations”) had not been carried out. 

Posted by

Amy Cater

Partner and Solicitor


Planning enforcement time limits – 4 or 10 years?

Posted on 23rd February 2023 in Planning and Licensing

In a recent planning appeal, an Inspector upheld an enforcement notice which required the demolition of a dwelling that had been constructed 7 years earlier. 

Posted by

Amy Cater

Partner and Solicitor


Can the Mobile Homes Act 1983 apply to an agreement for the mooring of a houseboat?

Posted on 10th February 2023 in Parks, Planning and Licensing

In a recent decision, the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) ruled that an agreement for the mooring of a houseboat was protected by the Mobile Homes Act 1983.

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


How do I vary a Section 106 Agreement?

Posted on 26th January 2023 in Planning and Licensing

A Section 106 Agreement is an agreement used to secure planning obligations in connection with a planning permission.

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


How to implement a planning permission

Posted on 14th October 2022 in Planning and Licensing

Once your planning permission has been granted, you will need to implement it within the relevant time limits, otherwise it will expire. If your planning permission expires you won’t be able to proceed with your proposed development, and will need to re-applying for a new planning permission. 

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


What are Section 106 Agreements?

Posted on 14th September 2022 in Planning and Licensing

If you have submitted a planning application and been told by the Local Planning Authority that a Section 106 Agreement will need to be completed before planning permission is granted you may be wondering what this means. 

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


Can I change my planning permission?

Posted on 04th August 2022 in Planning and Licensing

Planning applications can take several months, if not years, to be decided and during that time it is commonplace for the proposed scheme to be altered especially so in the case of a large development.

Posted by

Kelly Burns

Senior Associate & Solicitor


Do I need planning permission for my outbuilding?

Posted on 07th July 2022 in Planning and Licensing

Erecting a shed or an outbuilding on land within the curtilage of your house does not require planning permission.

Posted by

Alex McKerron

Associate & Chartered Legal Executive